New Legacy Projects

The generous volunteers and organizations described below are making plans and taking action to honor Agnes Baker Pilgrim and her legacy of Indigenous teachings and activism. Feel free to contact them to find out more and get involved.

Upriver to Morning Youth Education Project

Upriver to Morning is cultural, environmental, and bilingual youth education project, including a book, story theater script, five songs, lesson plans for grades 3 – 8, and teaching tools for teachers and parents. Written by Tish McFadden, this engaging story dramatizes the teachings of Takelma elder and spiritual leader Agnes Baker Pilgrim. Upriver to Morning weaves inter-generational themes within the context of Salmon’s year-long journey up the Rogue River, from the Pacific Ocean to the river’s source at Boundary Springs.

Upriver to Morning is set in southwest Oregon in the ancestral homeland of the Takelma and many other bands of First Nation people. The story opens at sunset at the mouth of the Rogue River, where Salmon is preparing for his long swim upriver to Boundary Springs, the home of Morning Star, where all things begin. Not to be left behind on this adventure, and for their own motives, Coyote, Red-Tailed Hawk, Deer Woman, Jackrabbit, and Bear join Salmon on his trek.

This project arose from conversations and stories passed down from Agnes Baker Pilgrim, Tish McFadden’s inspiration and collaborator. Throughout the development process, Tish beta tested her pioneering program at various grade levels and summer youth camps. Her original story and songs, interwoven with Grandma Aggie’s gems of wisdom, received enthusiastic responses from all ages.  See their responses at

Dragonfly Place Memorial at Cantrall Buckley Park

The Cultural Committee for the Applegate Watershed Council and Partnership is planning a series of projects to recognize the contributions of historical cultures in the Applegate Valley. Their first project is to create the Dragonfly Place Memorial, in honor of Agnes Baker Pilgrim, at Cantrall Buckley Park in Ruch, Oregon.

Significant progress has been made on landscaping an easily accessible site, installing interpretive signs, and creating a native plant walk.  A dedication ceremony is planned for Fall 2024.

To participate as a volunteer or be notified about upcoming events, contact: Janis Tipton, 541-846-7501.

Takelma Cultural Center

‏In honor of the late Charles Jackson, Sue Shaffer, and Agnes Baker Pilgrim, the Takelma Cultural Center provides nature-based education that revitalizes and adapts traditional Native American practices, to enhance the environmental, spiritual, emotional, and mental health of Native and non-native individuals and their communities.

‏Comprised of Tribal members, our group works with Native traditionalists and scholars to offer experience-based teaching curriculum (K-12) at Takelman cultural tours and workshops.  We teach traditional skills, including art making, basket weaving, flintknapping, story-telling, drumming, drum making, and gathering.

‏The Takelma Cultural Center, a nonprofit based in Tiller, Oregon, exists to offer learners a unique, Takelman experience. Visit for details.

If you know of other legacy projects that should be listed here, please contact us and provide a description with contact info and/or website link.